Back Treatment
Customized back treatment to improve your skin. Includes double cleanse, microdermabrasion, enzymes or peel, high-frequency, mask, finishing products, and home care suggestions.
Acne Management Program
Start your acne healing journey with consultation and first treatment; requires commitment to bi-weekly treatments, home care, diet, and lifestyle changes.
Bi-weekly Acne Treatment
Bi-weekly treatments for enrolled Acne Management clients: re-evaluate skin, track progress, adjust treatments and home care, address questions. (Packages available).
Innovative no-downtime Biorepeel TCA treatment for acne, pigmentation, aging, rosacea. Revitalizes with antioxidants. Includes cleanse, LED therapy, hydrating mask. (Packages available).
CIT or Microneedling
Microneedling (CIT) is a minimally invasive treatment that stimulates collagen to improve scars, pigmentation, wrinkles, and firm the skin. (Packages available)
Teens Facial
For $225, this 120-minute treatment for new clients includes a personalized consultation, customized facial, and expert guidance for skincare needs.
New Client Treatment
For $225, this 120-minute treatment for new clients includes a personalized consultation, customized facial, and expert guidance for skincare needs.
Natur Skin Glow II
For $260, this 150-minute facial includes Glow I benefits plus a lifting massage to sculpt, firm, and oxygenate, rejuvenate, and hydrate your skin deeply.
Natur Skin Glow I
For $200, this 120-minute facial includes advanced exfoliation, personalized techniques, and a relaxing massage on the décolletage, neck, and shoulders.